Thursday, January 19, 2012

Too long.

It's been too long.  I'm still adventuring and we're still in cloth diapers... hopefully not for long though.  Baby 1 is potty trained of course (he's 3 now), but Baby 2... well... he's ready.  He's 2 1/4 and he's been ready for at least the past 6 months.  At first I wasn't ready.  For the past few months I've been ready as well, but trying to potty train him with Baby 1 underfoot has proved difficult.  I like the 3 day method that my friend, Kari, used with Baby 1, (yes, she is a GREAT friend) but it requires locking the potty training baby and myself in the bathroom for the better part of a day... and we have one, very tiny bathroom.  That means that having Baby 1, Baby 2 AND myself in there is a tight squeeze, to say the least, but I dare not leave Baby 1 unattended. 

One solution to this problem is to have Baby 1 stay with someone else for a few days.  I've already talked with my MIL (mother-in-law) about this as she often has long weekends (and she is so wonderful!  She often keeps the kids for us), but the timing has just never come out right.  And when I think about my weekend schedule for the next few weeks it doesn't make me hopeful for the timing to come out right any time in the near future. 

Today is my hubby's 31st birthday (Holy cow! One of us is OVER 30!).  This weekend we will be celebrating his birthday with friends.  My father-in-law and his wife will be keeping the kids for us (which I think will be so much fun for the kids!  And I think my FIL and SMIL (step-mother-in-law) will have fun too, though they may be ready for a good long nap after we pick the kids up.  All in all it should be fun weekend for all of us, but not a good weekend for potty training.

Next weekend I'm hoping to make a long overdue visit to my grandparents in Alabama.  Again, it will be a fun weekend for all but not a good weekend for potty training.

The following weekend isn't booked yet as far as I know, but I really hope that we can get pictures done.  We are long overdue for getting the boy's pictures made, but every time I've picked a time to go get them done one of us has gotten sick.  Really.  One of us has been sick since the first week in November.  It's crazy, but I've about decided that unless one of us is hospitalized before then we will use the first weekend in February to get our pictures made.  We may be pale, have red noses, have a hard time smiling, be grumpy, or even puke on our clothes right before we get the pictures done, but we will have pictures, dang it!  But again, that takes several hours out of possible potty training time. 

Oh well.  I suppose it will happen eventually.  I take it as part of the adventure.  Eventually we'll beat the time-stealing "monsters" and get this potty training thing done!  Meanwhile, Baby 2 gets to sit on the potty (or stand beside it to "pee-pee") anytime he wants to!

And hopefully Mommy will be making it to her blog a little more often too!

Until next time!

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