Friday, April 30, 2010

Save Home Birth!

Hello dear friends and followers! 

As you probably know by now I have birthed two precious little boys.  Both were natural births, both were attended by a midwife and both were in the hospital.  It was the most amazing thing each time.  At the time that each of my babies were born I was not in a position to have a home birth.  It just wasn't for me at the time.  However, I fully believe that a woman has the right to have her baby wherever she sees fit.  That may be at home, at a birthing center, or at a hospital.  Here in Tennessee there are some new regulations being considered that will seriously endanger a woman's right to have her baby at home with a midwife present.  Please, please, please check out this link and find out if there is anything you can do to help protects women's rights to a birth in the place she is usually most comfortable... home.

Thank you!


  1. Stopped by from SITS on blog frog. I'm your newest follower! =)
    Stop by my blog when you have a second....

  2. Followed you through sits and am your newer follower ;)

    I cannot believe this! I mean, consider all the germs and disease that roam the halls of the hospital! Not to mention, there have been studies that show the art ducts of hospitals potentially harbor toxins that make you sick. How could anyone force you to have your child there?!

  3. Stopping by from SITS and following.

    This is awful. I also birthed my baby at the hospital with no medication, BUT I would possibly consider a home birth for the next one. I think home births are great and possibly safer than hospital births. Why does the government try to dictate our lives?? Ugh. Thanks for posting and spreading awareness.
