Monday, August 24, 2009

Successes and Failures

Well, I had mixed success and failure this week. The week turned out to be a lot more hectic than I thought it was going to be and that kept me lagging behind a bit. Still, I should be able to get going on some of them THIS week.

My hubby and I never had a chance to work on pictures and logos, but we should be able to do so tomorrow (I have the day off, yay!). I haven't had time to put a lot of thought into my mission statement... again, my hope is that tomorrow will help take care of a lot of this.

And, obviously, I am a day late in updating my blog this week. A day late is a whole lot better than it could be. Not to mention that I'll probably get two posts in this week!

I did get a Squidoo lens up. If you're interested you can check it out at It is far from finished, but I'm hoping that my continual updates will help me keep it fresh for a while.

Speaking of Squidoo, it is one of my new favorite things! It's kind of a mixture of webhost, blog, and social media... all with a twist. I highly recommend checking it out in order to drive traffic to your blog or website! It is also a very cool and different way to make a few extra bucks for yourself OR for a charity (or for yourself AND for a charity)! Many people use it just for the fun of it!

Well, I'm off to spend a little time with the hubby before bed. Look for another post from me later this week!


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