I really like the possible double meaning of this blog post! Each meaning applies in a very different way. In one way, this is the post about goals. In the other way - this is where I put these goals down as a post by which I can measure my success.
We don't always achieve the goals we set out for ourselves. It's true that no matter how hard we try, sometimes we fall short. Sometimes we lose the ball game. The trick is to not let yourself become deflated when you are defeated. You set another goal for yourself and you bring your game face to the next ball game - aiming not to be defeated again.
I don't say any of this to provide myself any loopholes. I say all of this as encouragement to those of you who have set goals for yourself, your life or your career that you haven't met. Take a deep breath, get up, brush yourself off and get ready for round two! Then, at some point in the future, in the midst of your mingled successes and failures, you can provide encouragement to people like me in the midst of failure but on the way to success.
This, for my business anyway, is round one.
Goal #1 - A Business Plan!
- This one scares me! All the more reason for it to be Goal #1. My goal is to have a rough business plan in place within one month's time. (By September 16, 2009... 4 days before my due date - so I'd better get started now!) It will be edited and tweaked after that time I am sure, but I need to have the basic outline at least!
Goal #2 - A Mission Statement!
- Honestly, this one is a little scary too. I've been knocking around a few ideas in this regard but I might be a little bit too caught up in having the perfect mission statement. My goal is to have a mission statement drafted in one weeks time (by August 23, 2009). This will, I believe, provide valuable insight while I am working on my business plan.
Goal # 3 - Squidoo lenses
- This may be the most fun one on my list! My goal is to have at least one, fully functional, published Squidoo lense going within one weeks time... which leads me to...
Goal #4 - Logo and pictures
- I've been needing to do this for a long time! My goal is to work with my husband to come up with an appropriate logo (and some good pictures too) for use on this blog, my twitter account, my Squidoo Lenses, etc.
Goal # 5 - Updates!
- Actually this one has been an unofficial goal of mine for a while. My goal is to update my blog at least once a week and post a Twitter update at least 5 times a week, barring any unforeseen and uncontrollable circumstances... and also barring the time when I am giving birth/in the hospital... it's very possible I will take that week OFF.
Well, that's my list. I believe they are all specific, measurable and realistic. I have some personal goals as well that I am working on, but I won't be posting those here for the time being.
The clock is ticking and I'm ready to tackle these. For now, however, I believe I, my family AND my business would be best served by my going to bed.
Good night all.
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